Sunday, 08 October 2006

Pastime in the Whitsundays

Log sent on 4/10/06

Upstart was a surprisingly pleasant place. This time we anchored near the headland rather than deep in the bay. It started off being really hard slog from Upstart to Gloucester Island. We had the usual knot of current against us and the wind coming from where we wanted to go.

The day before, we had hooked something big on the fishing line. Indeed, it was too big to drag in and finally bent the hooks and escaped. Perhaps it is just as well! Just past Cape Upstart, we hooked a very good Mackeral, weighing over 10Kg. David filletted it and Penny stowed it away in the 'fridge. The Mackeral will keep us fed for many days.

About 11:30AM, there was a very welcome wind shift which greatly helped our progress. We still had half a knot of current against us and could not make the course, but at least one tack was much more favourable.

It was a very rough passage and when we came to start the engine about an hour out from Gloucester Isla