Ok, where am I up to?
An elaboration: Saturday 30th
On Saturday, I went to a maneaba (sort of the village hall, minus the walls and seats) to witness its (the maneaba's) 11th birthday celebrations. I was there with three other Aussies, who have since headed off to another island where they will teach for six months. It was great fun- we got there at 10 for Mass and left at 4. Lots of food, heaps of dancing, plenty of speeches in I-Kiribati.
Tuesday 2nd Feb
Started teaching. One of the teachers was away (on the first day! What an unfortunate day to be sick!) So I took afew more than my 2 scheduled classes. Pretty tired by the end!
Wednesday 3rd Feb
Took 6 classes of 45 minutes each. The schools use the NZ system- classes 1 - 6, and forms 1 - 7. Sacred Heart School, where I am, has forms 4, 5, 6, and 7. 7 starts sometime next week, assuming cabinet have sorted out the lists of who is subsidised to go where on Thursday as scheduled. I've been teaching forms 4 - 6 maths.
I'm afraid these accounts are pretty lifeless. It just means I'll have the pleasure of telling you the interesting bits if/ when I show you the photos!
Dave: Hi Will, It all sounds good! Wow, teaching 6 classes in one day. Just watch out the teachers don't decide that you can do the lot! Love, Dad (02/04/10)
Val: Hi Will sounds like things are going well for you. Mike has gone sailing in the twilight with several of the other guys tonight so I get a rest.Look forward to following your blog. Val deBurca (02/05/10)
Annette: Hi, Will. I am not surprised by the Marhs dreams. My first "temporary" teaching position I woke myself up saying aloud "Good morning children and God Bless you". And as a past maths teacher - they only go a little bit mad! Looking forwrad to seeing you - maybe at Easter (02/14/10)